Present Parenting Support

Common Workshop Topics

  • Present Parenting Overview

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Integrating self-care into everyday parenting moments.

  • Critical Attachment Practices: How playtime, bedtime routines, inclusion, and tantrum support are key to your child's heart.

  • Following Stage Discipline: Why WITH ME is more effective than consequence systems and behavioral contracts.

  • Transitioning Accountability to Your Child's Shoulders: Beginning the mentoring cycle with your budding adolescent.

  • Teen Talks: Encouraging maturity by letting go of control.

Join a Present Parenting Support Group

This feature is still in the works. Please contact Amy if you're searching for a support group.

Lead a Present Parenting Support Group

This feature is a work in progress. For now, contact Amy below if you're interested in leading a group of fellow parents in understanding and applying Present Parenting.