Resources & References

The ideas behind Present Parenting started because we needed parenting answers for our own family. Initial research took many years of digging through books similar to those listed below. Because I did it a few minutes at a time while nursing a baby or waiting to pick up a child from an activity and with no intent to write a website myself at first, I did not meticulously document page numbers. If you need a specific reference on something, please ask and I’ll make the effort to find it or point you in the right general direction. And I highly encourage you to start diggin' yourself!

And over the past 15 years since I began my research journey, MANY wonderful resources have now become available. Hallelujah! I highly recommend following these mindful voices who are encouraging disciplinary practices that are Accountability Pyramid friendly.

Social Media Accounts and Podcasts that are Accountability Pyramid Friendly

Books that Inspired the Accountability Pyramid

Dr. Siegel has many books that shed light on how neuroscience relates to parenting. Besides The Whole Brain Child, other titles include: Parenting from the Inside Out, No Drama Discipline, Mindsight, The Yes Brain, and The Power of Showing Up

Dr. Solter is a mastermind in explaining how to endure the often daunting task of mindfully sitting with a child who is cycling through a tantrum or other extreme need. One who truly internalizes her approach will no longer need to reach for rewards or punishments to control a child's behavior.

Ms. Komisar explains the scientific reasons why children need present mothers in order to receive a foundation of optimal brain development during the first 3 years of life.

Dr. Smalley and Ms. Winston illustrate both the art and science of mindfulness and mediation, which is necessary to practice daily in prep for applying Present Parenting Mindsets in parenting.

Ms. Greenland explains how to teach mindfulness to children and gives the premise that the only way to really teach them well is to lead by personal example. Thus she shares simple ideas to help beginner parents learn the art of mindfulness while in the presence of children.

Dr. Sunderland covers many parenting topics with the frankness of scientific understanding and the tenderness of an understanding parent and with lots of PICTURES to help parents see more clearly how children are interpreting various disciplinary tactics. And she has many simple workbooks to help therapeutically walk children through extreme emotions and behaviors.

Mr. Pink discusses motivation in its various levels and was the first to inspire us to consider how most rewards and punishments have a de-motivating effect on our children despite our intentions to teach valuable lessons.

Mr. Kohn makes a powerful case against using rewards and punishments with children and teens alike and instead moving towards what all humans crave and need most: acceptance, example, and mentoring.

This selection of religious text is not meant to be viewed as an attempt to convert readers to a particular religion, but rather to give credit for how the heartfelt declaration that children are innocent from hundreds of years ago has motivated us to seek out the resources on this page that scientifically prove just that.

Thank you to the following sites for providing clipart: